“It feels a little all over the place sometimes…
I want to see everything, HCPs, metrics, calls, all at once.”
- Lilly Sales Rep
Based on client feedback gathered through interviews, we discovered a gap in Field Insight’s weekly planning experience:
The Problem:
The existing territory view and insight feed did not provide enough information for reps to understand their call plan adherence on an individual customer level.
Lack of a consolidated view for product metrics. While product metrics were already in the app, they lived on individual customer pages, which made it difficult to do side-by-side comparisons of customer enrollments and prescriptions.
The Opportunity:
ince weekly call planning is one of the core themes of Field Insights, and the main use case where we surface our main offering: insights and suggestions, it was imperative that we fill for this gap and design an experience that promotes rep productivity and showcases Field Insight’s intelligence and value.
In workshopping and feedback synthesis session, we were able to extrapolate tasks and feature requirements.
Based on our analysis, I wanted to focus on making this feature flexible, holistic, and actionable.
Flexible: With hundreds of HCPs in a territory and “N” number of metrics to display based on the client, we realized that the interface needed to display hundreds of data points at once.
Holistic: Users need to be able to view customer data holistically, in relation to other customers and metrics.
Actionable: As users are interpreting the data, they make want to take a variety of actions such as: Sorting and filtering the customers, viewing the customer’s details, scheduling appointments, and sending feedback on customers. I wanted the UI to accommodate these actions and not force users to navigate away from the screen.
In order to accommodate the above use cases, I decided on a tabular view.
Customers are displayed on the row axis, and their metrics/details are displayed in the columns. Since each client and salesforce has a varying number of metrics, in varying formats, displaying them in columns would allow the UI to scale up or down without negatively impacting layouts or alignment.
The tabular UI also has individual column level sorting and filtering to go with the global filters, enabling manipulation of the data at multiple levels.
Customer names are links to their profiles, with quick scheduling icons to the left to facilitate appointment creation.
“Exactly what the reps wanted. I know it can be a lot of data, but this looks clean and learnable…a lot of people will be happy with this.”
- Lilly Client Services Team Lead
Feedback gathered from our client contacts indicate that the All Customers List is well received by reps and our consultants.
They report that the interface is familiar intuitive. They also appreciated how frequent actions were now consolidated into a single view, making task flows more efficient.
Our consultants report that the feature resonates well during demos and sales pitches. Their feedback indicates that the All Customer List serves as both a complement and alternative to the insights, where reps that prefer working from Customer to Insight, versus Insight to Customer now have a workflow that mirrors their thinking.
Potential improvements to the All Customer List could be personalized lists and intelligent filters.
Users have a “rotation” or batch of customers they visit regularly. Allowing users to save batches of customers to separate lists might facilitate and make planning and scheduling more efficient.
Adding filters that show top “Opportunities”, or customers users that could yield high impact sales or growth would help users discover new targets and also promote app engagement.